- Dave and Anya
Thank you soo much Tony for such a beautiful play for our wedding at the Merion. We are really grateful to you for helping to make our ceremony a beautiful.Thank you so much for helping to make our wedding special. We received many compliments from you rendition of “You Make My Dreams Come True”
Thank you,
Dave and Anya
- Melissa
Hi Tony,
I just want to thank you for the beautiful job you did at the wedding ceremony. Everything was perfect! When I walked in and first heard the music it made me want to cry. Thank you for making the wedding special. I have received so many compliments on the nice job you did.
Thanks again.
- Veronica and David
Hi Tony,
I just wanted to thank you and the Shrewsbury Quartet for the beautiful music. You made my ceremony even more beautiful! I also want to thank you for playing “All you need is love” as we left. The moment I heard it I got so excited (not that I wasn’t already. But even more excited!). It was a wonderful surprise! You were all so great. Everyone commented on how amazing you guys were. They kept complimenting Me on the music, but of course I was just lucky enough to find you. Thank you again for everything you have done. You put so much into our wedding and it meant a lot to me. Maybe when we get in our pictures I will send one on to you. If the Photographer took one of all of you, I will send one of those too. Take good care and thank you again for not only such beautiful music but for being so kind and attentive while I was putting all this wedding stuff together…and my Husband thanks you too!
Veronica and David