Dear Tony,
Mary Ann and I wish to thank you very much for playing so beautifully throughout our wedding Mass on January 1st at our Lady of Mercy Church. On our behalf, please also thank the other ensemble members. Your music was beautiful, very peaceful, romantic and holy. You played an important role in creating the setting that Mary Ann and I wished for our wedding. Thank you. We will enthusiastically recommend your services to others.
Best wishes always,
Mary Ann and Kevin
  • Bryant Heisinger
    Hi Tony, I’m sorry I didn’t get to see you after the wedding ceremony for Lauren and James on Sunday (May 16) at Lucien’s in Berlin. Your group performed (as always!) marvelously–and, you weren’t “thrown for a loss” when they changed the processional order and sent the flower girl in second instead of next to last!!! It’s always wonderful to see Shrewsbury musicians at a ceremony. Best regards, Bryant Heisinger, ULC
  • Shannon and Michael
    Tony, I am soo sorry I did not get to see you before you left on Saturday, but I wanted to let you know that everything sounded beautiful!!!!!!! Everyone thought the music was perfect. You did a great job!!!! I will recommend you to anyone I know that is getting married. We were so pleased with everything. Thank you once again, Shannon and Michael


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