I want to thank you again for everything. You all sounded amazing including Mark McKeever and Dolly Defreitas. I have received many compliments about the music you performed. I also gave your information to all of my engaged friends, they all loved the music. Thank you again for helping to make my wedding absolutely perfect for Jim and me.
Nancy and Jim B
  • Bryant Heisinger
    Hi Tony, I’m sorry I didn’t get to see you after the wedding ceremony for Lauren and James on Sunday (May 16) at Lucien’s in Berlin. Your group performed (as always!) marvelously–and, you weren’t “thrown for a loss” when they changed the processional order and sent the flower girl in second instead of next to last!!! It’s always wonderful to see Shrewsbury musicians at a ceremony. Best regards, Bryant Heisinger, ULC
  • Marv & Ellen T Jennifer & Mat
    Tony, I just wanted to send a quick note of thanks on behalf of Ellen and myself for the wonderful performance that the quartet gave at Jennifer’s wedding last Saturday. You and the rest of musicians sounded wonderful and truly added a special touch to what turned out to be the wedding we had planned and hoped for. Please convey my gratitude and compliments to your team, won’t you? It was a pleasure to personally meet you and the musicians at the wedding. Again, many thanks and best of luck with your future endeavors. Marv & Ellen T Jennifer & Mat


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