Flowers to the Blessed Mother

Blessed Are Those

Celtic Alleluia

Amazing Grace

Clare de Lune

The Prayer

Apres un Reve

Unchained Melody

  • Deanne
    Hi Tony, Sorry I didn’t get to talk to you at the wedding, but I wanted to say thank you. You guys did a great job and it sounded so lovely. You were a pleasure to work with and I appreciate your promptness and the songs you played were great and just what we wanted! Many thanks to you and the other musicians, I will be recommending you to friends for their weddings, too! Sincerely, Deanne
  • Stephanie and David
    Dear Shrewsbury String Quartet, Thank you so much for the beautiful music you provided for our wedding ceremony. The violin and cello duo were such a special touch to our wedding. Tony, it was a pleasure working with you to choose our music selections. Thank you again! Stephanie and David


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